Lady Jane (1986) - Producer Peter Snell A 1986 British costume drama directed by Trevor Nunn, written by David Edgar, and starring Helena Bonham Carter as the title character in her first major film role. It tells the story of Lady Jane Grey, the Nine Day Queen, on her reign and romance with husband Lord Guilford Dudley. The film features several members of The Royal Shakespeare Company. The death of King Henry VIII of England throws his kingdom into chaos as his heir, Edward VI is both under-age and in poor health. Anticipating the young king's imminent death from consumption and anxious to keep England true to the Reformation by keeping the Catholic Mary from the throne, John Dudley, Lord President of the Council, second only to the king in power, marries his son, Lord Guilford, to Lady Jane Grey and has the royal physician keep the young king alive, albeit in excruciating pain, but long enough to name Jane his heir. Also stars Cary Elwes, John Wood, Michael Hordern and Jill Bennett. |
Lady Jane (1986) |