I'm All Right Jack is a 1959 British comedy film directed and produced by John and Roy Boulting from a script by Frank Harvey, John Boulting and Alan Hackney, based on Hackney’s novel Private Life. The film is a sequel to the Boulting's 1956 film Private's Progress with Ian Carmichael, Dennis Price, Richard Attenborough, Terry-Thomas, and Miles Malleson all reprise their characters from the earlier film. Peter Sellers played one of his best-known roles, as the trade union shop steward Fred Kite, and won a Best Actor Award from the British Academy (Bafta). The rest of the cast included many well-known British comedy actors of the time. A superb and classic satire on British industrial life in the 1950s with the trade unions, workers, and bosses all seen to be incompetent or corrupt to varying degrees. One of a number of successful satires made by the Boulting Brothers between 1956 and 1963. |
I'm All Right Jack (1959) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052911/ |